Top Interiors Trends for the Next 100 Years, According to AI

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We love looking at trends and forecasts for what styles and products will be popular in our homes in times to come. It’s fascinating to see how consumers respond to the world around them – use of materials such as steel and concrete in homes during the industrial era, for example.

We’re always excited to see what the world of interiors has in store for us, and sometimes we just can’t wait to see what’s in store for us in the coming decades. Since it’s impossible to know where the world is heading, even within the next year or two (2020 showed us that, for sure!), so we decided to put a twist on it.

We pulled together data on the top trends from the past 100 years and fed that into an artificial intelligence text generator, then left it to see what it thought would trend in our homes in the next 100 years. And the results were pretty wild and wonderful! 

It did give us a warning though that predicting interior design trends for an entire century is a challenging task, as trends are influenced by a myriad of unpredictable factors such as technological advancements, societal shifts, global events, and cultural movements. It based its predictions on the patterns of the past and current trajectories, and we don’t think it did a bad job!

We’ve also designed some concept images around the descriptions the tool gave us for each trend – what do you think, do you think any of these up and coming interior trends will really make the cut? And remember, these are just for fun!

Interior Trend Predictions from the 2030s to 2100s

2030s: Sensory Exploration

Interactive Fabrics: Textiles that change colour or texture in response to touch or environmental factors.

Haptic Feedback Cushions: Pillows and cushions that provide tactile feedback or massage.

Aromatherapeutic Textiles: Fabrics infused with scents that release over time or when activated.

2040s: Space Age Revival

Astro Design: With potential human settlements on Mars or the Moon, there might be a renewed interest in space-themed interiors.

Self-Sustaining Interiors: Designs that incorporate renewable energy sources, water purification systems, and indoor farming.

Minimal Waste: A focus on designs that reduce waste, with furniture and items that are built to last and can be easily recycled or repurposed.

2050s: Bioluminescent & Living Textiles

Glowing Fabrics: Textiles that naturally glow in the dark, either through technology or bioengineering.

Living Curtains: Curtains made of living plants or moss, providing air purification.

Self-Repairing Fabrics: Materials that can mend themselves when torn or damaged.

Sensory Environments: Spaces designed to enhance or alter human senses, offering immersive experiences.

2060s: Climate Responsive

Heat-Adaptive: Fabrics that cool down or warm up based on ambient temperatures.

Water-Harvesting Drapes: Curtains that can extract and store moisture from the air.

Air-Purifying Upholstery: Furniture coverings that actively clean the air.

2070s: Neo-Traditionalism

Historical Revival: A nostalgic return to designs from the past, reinterpreted with modern materials and technologies.

Digital Vintage: Patterns from the past, but with digital enhancements like animated motifs.

Craftsmanship Renaissance: A renewed appreciation for handcrafted, artisanal items.

Local Materials: A focus on using materials sourced locally, celebrating regional design aesthetics.

2080s: Multi-Dimensional Decor

AI-Driven Interiors: Spaces designed by AI for efficiency, aesthetics, and function.

Holographic Decor: The use of holograms for decorative purposes, allowing for ever-changing interiors.

Mood-Responsive Patterns: Patterns that shift and change based on the mood of the room’s occupants.

Floating Fabrics: Textiles that can levitate, creating dynamic, floating decor.

2090s: Earth 2.0

Earth-Inspired: With potential exploration or colonisation of other planets, there might be a trend to recreate “Earth-like” interiors in off-world habitats.

Gravity-Defying Design: Furniture and interiors that play with gravity or lack thereof.

Multi-Planetary Fusion: A blend of design aesthetics inspired by different planets or celestial bodies.

2100s: Elemental Balance

Neo-Minimalism: A movement back to simple, uncluttered spaces as a counter-response to a century of rapid change.

Earth & Sky Fusion: Designs that blend earthy textures with airy patterns.

Water-Inspired Flow: Fluid, wavy patterns inspired by oceans, rivers, and rain.

Fire Motifs: Warm, glowing patterns and textures reminiscent of flames and embers.

2110s: Neo-Nature & Digital Fusion

Digital-Natural Hybrids: Fabrics that blend organic textures with digital interfaces.

Responsive Ecosystem Textiles: Fabrics that interact with other elements in the room, creating a harmonious ecosystem. For instance, a rug that “communicates” with the lighting to adjust its ambiance based on the rug’s patterns.

Deep Sea Inspirations: As we explore deeper into our oceans, textiles inspired by the mysterious creatures and landscapes of the deep sea, with bioluminescent patterns and iridescent finishes.

2120s: Animalia Reverie

Mimicry Materials: Fabrics that mimic the adaptive camouflage abilities of animals like chameleons or cuttlefish. Imagine a cushion that changes its pattern based on its surroundings or your mood.

Avian Airiness: Lightweight, airy fabrics inspired by bird feathers. These could be used in draperies or throws that seem to float in the breeze, capturing the essence of flight.

Sonic Resonance: Drawing inspiration from animals that communicate through unique sounds, like whales or birds. These fabrics could produce soothing sounds when touched or interacted with, creating a multisensory experience.


We provided the AI model with information on home decor and interior design trends from the 1920s and 2020s, based on mainstream, overarching general home trends. These are below.

We then asked the AI tool to suggest interior trends by decade for the next century, taking into account the unpredictability of technological advancements, societal shifts, global events and cultural movements. The speculative predictions are based on the patterns of the past (as below) and current trajectories.

Historical Trend Data

1920s: The Roaring Twenties

  • Art Deco: Geometric patterns, bold colors, and luxurious materials.
  • Flapper Influence: Mirrored furniture, fringe details, and beaded decor.
  • Jazz Age Glamour: High contrast color schemes and opulent finishes.

1930s: The Great Depression Era

  • Streamlined Modernism: Simplified, aerodynamic forms influenced by the rise of industrial design.
  • Hollywood Regency: Glamorous, theatrical, and luxurious decor inspired by the film industry.
  • Escapism: Tropical and exotic themes as a way to escape from the economic hardships.

1940s: War & Post-War Era

  • Functionalism: Due to wartime restrictions, designs were simple and functional.
  • Patriotic Colors: Red, white, and blue became popular.
  • Early Mid-Century Modern: Clean lines and organic forms began to emerge.

1950s: Mid-Century Modern Peak

  • Mid-Century Modern: Sleek furniture, organic shapes, and a focus on function.
  • Pastel Colors: Soft pinks, blues, and greens.
  • Space Age Influence: Futuristic designs and materials inspired by the space race.

1960s: The Swinging Sixties

  • Psychedelic Patterns: Bright colors and bold patterns.
  • Pop Art Influence: Incorporation of popular culture and mass media into decor.
  • Scandinavian Design: Minimalism, functionality, and a focus on natural materials.

1970s: The Age of Experimentation

  • Bohemian & Eclectic: Mix of patterns, textures, and global influences.
  • Earth Tones: Browns, oranges, and greens.
  • Shag Carpets & Macramé: Textured and handcrafted details.

1980s: The Decade of Excess

  • Postmodernism: A mix of styles, bold geometric shapes, and a return to ornamentation.
  • Pastels & Neon: Soft pinks and blues alongside bright neon colors.
  • Chintz & Floral Patterns: Over-the-top and bold patterns.

1990s: Minimalism & Comfort

  • Minimalism: Simple lines, neutral colors, and uncluttered spaces.
  • Country & Shabby Chic: Rustic, distressed, and vintage-inspired decor.
  • Tech Influence: The rise of personal computers and digital technology influenced home office designs.

2000s: The New Millennium

  • Open Floor Plans: Open kitchens, living, and dining areas.
  • Eco-friendly & Sustainable Design: Use of recycled materials and energy-efficient appliances.
  • Global Fusion: Incorporation of designs and patterns from various cultures.

2010s: Digital Age & Personal Expression

  • Industrial Design: Exposed brick, metal, and raw materials.
  • Scandinavian & Hygge: Cozy, minimalist, and functional designs.
  • Biophilic Design: Incorporation of nature, plants, and natural light.

2020s (up to 2021): Modern & Mindful Living

  • Japandi: A blend of Japanese and Scandinavian design principles.
  • Sustainable & Eco-conscious Design: A focus on environmentally friendly materials and practices.
  • Multipurpose Spaces: With the rise of remote work, spaces that can serve multiple functions became essential.
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