Natural Speckled (Light) Sheepskin Rug

Product details

This natural speckled sheepskin features a soft and thick pile, specially chosen to provide your room with a luxurious and elegant accessory that is great for creating that cosy factor to a home.

The colours found on these sheepskins are completely natural meaning that no two rugs are the same with the flecks giving each rug distinct aesthetics to adorn any room. These rare breed rugs have faint speckles, they will be more cream than darker colours.

These Speckled rugs are made from genuine sheepskin, offering fantastic comfort, warmth and luxury. The best attribute of the Specked Sheepskin is the plush touch, and silky feel that not only provides support but can also help relieve aches and pains.

These rugs can be placed on the floor or on chairs or sofas to create the ultimate comfort. Sheepskin rugs can also be used to make a good lying spot for a pet or even a snuggle rug or play rug for babies and infants.

The underside of the rugs have a suede backing to prevent the rug from sliding on smooth surfaces, and because the fibres are naturally bacteria repellant, they require very little maintenance, are easy to clean and are kind to the skin.

As this rug can be quite varied in the amount of flecks, please contact us via email or phone when ordering if you have a preference.

Single – W55cm x L90cm

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